Proactive opportunities for change

There are people who are, as they say ‘born in a trap’. Where they grow up experiencing high levels of adversity and live in areas vulnerable to violent crimes, and struggle to engage with traditional interventions.

What they want and need are lifestyle changes and opportunities. To provide respite from environmental stressors and regular nudges to keep motivations and aspirations alive.

This is important because without the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, they become dependent on dreams. If their dreams appear unrealistic or become less attainable, mental health problems, gang membership and incarceration increase dramatically.

“Nothing matches the intensity and frequency of adversity, more than healthy hobbies.”

We provide projects that serve as alternative interventions, that include exercise, reading and employment.

In our 3P3 Project (The Dream), we provided young people with the opportunity to become professional footballers. By providing support from coaches, mentors, physios and clinicians who worked at Premier League level. Over a 5 week period, in preparation for a match against a professional team (Charlton Athletic FC), with the intention of the club assessing them to see if they can earn a professional contract. Those who don’t earn this opportunity will be given the opportunity to earn more chances as part of our legacy partnership and education opportunities that progress into their early twenties and including a USA scholarship.

Please see example below in further detail, along with outcomes.

KTDA! by Kevin George

We extended the project 6 months later, with boys from the previous project and additional boys from our partnership with Fast London.

Below is a video from the second match, that starts with a video presentation of the educational opportunities available. As a result of our partnership with Charlton Athletic Community Trust.