soccology events

How we engage communities

We couldn’t be more honoured to partner with the biggest professional football clubs, players, educational institutions and charities

Below are just some of the small businesses that will be at our 2016 show.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lobortis, neque sit amet dapibus varius, risus ipsum sagittis elit, a venenatis enim metus eu neque. Proin vel ante placerat velit eleifend dignissim blandit nec tortor. 

See the full list here.



Males are more at risk of mental health problems, and least likely to engage in mental health services. We refer to them as ‘The Invisibles’, those who are struggling but not seen.


Avoidance and repression of previous negative experiences are common coping strategies, that can be overwhelming when revisited. Psycho-education develops a sense of agency and comfort in engaging the past.


Responsibility, meaning and purpose (RM&P) are strong remedies for antisocial boys. Where adversity and systemic failures push them away, RM&P pulls them in and facilitates transformation.


The goal is to enable people to integrate bad experiences/”bad parts” of themselves. Enhancing the view of themselves, their health and the decisions they make.