Our mental health solutions are Programs & Workshops, and Alternative Interventions.
The Soccology offering provides solutions that have both short and long term impact. Short term, in terms of changing how people feel and the action they take, long term being the lifestyle created by the outcomes and our legacy partners. That act as a scaffold to support their journey through the ups and downs of life.
Mental health problems and low emotional literacy skills, create a legacy of negative life outcomes that impact our life for the rest our life. Playing a key role in school exclusions, incarceration, hospital admittance, substance abuse, relationship breakdowns, family dysfunction and reducing life expectancy by as much as 20 years. Costing the world greatly in health, happiness and money.
Also, life is hard. Without any preparation or understanding of how our environments and experience shape us.
With this being the case we use the sport people love and feed the information through, and provide opportunities.